Dyslexic people are increasingly encouraged to view their dyslexia in a positive light. However, many dyslexics feel a number of distressing emotions about their difficulties and their situation. Most commonly reported are the following:

Confusion and bewilderment.

Many adult dyslexics are unaware that they have a recognizable pattern of difficulties which can be significantly alleviated through the learning of appropriate skills and strategies. Typically, therefore, an adult dyslexic feels thoroughly confused. He/she seems to be quite bright and quick-thinking in some ways, but apparently quite slow and 'stupid' in others.

Embarrassment, shame and guilt.

Feelings of embarrassment about dyslexia can deepen into shame, and, whereas embarrassment is often specific to a particular situation, shame seems to seep through the whole personality. Often dyslexic people come to feel that they have a guilty secret. Ella, a successful potter, describes it thus:

“I had a secret inside me. I kept 'it' in a box; and would only open the lid very cautiously. You may well laugh when you know the contents of the box: it was dyslexia. That word, that almost indescribable thing, lived in the box and pervaded almost every part of my life, but no one could see it. It was a living nightmare.”

Lack of confidence, low self-esteem.

The emotions described above – bewilderment, shame, guilt – deal a crippling blow to confidence and self-esteem. Lack of confidence manifests itself both in relation to specific tasks that a dyslexic person finds difficult, and in a more general way. At work there is a feeling of not being competent to hold down one's job. There is also a nervousness about applying for promotion, or for another job. In interviews, particularly, lack of confidence can be very damaging.

The daily questionings of one's own abilities and capacities will slowly but surely erode one's self-esteem. Among all the problems, the difficulties, the inefficiencies, the traumas, where is the person who is of worth? Is there such a person in there somewhere? Lack of confidence may result in aggressive or defensive behavior. Then the dyslexic person becomes trapped in a pattern of interaction, or rather reaction, which imprisons him/her in a lonely and distressing world.

Frustration and anger.

A sense of being imprisoned, trapped, impotent is often reported by dyslexic adults. George, a long-distance lorry driver, describes it thus: “I felt I couldn't move in any direction. In my job I was always moving, going in all directions, but in myself I couldn't go anywhere. I was grounded. That's why I liked the driving – I would drive and drive and drive to try and get away from the frustration, but however far you drive, you can't get away from yourself.”

In human beings, frustration soon turns to anger. But who should the anger be directed against? Who is to blame? All too often dyslexic adults end up blaming themselves.

Anxiety, fear and panic.

Whatever difficulties one may have in life, anxiety usually makes them worse, and this is certainly true of dyslexic difficulties: adult dyslexics become locked in a vicious circle of anxiety and inefficiency. Anxiety and stress can also precipitate physical symptoms: panic attacks, nausea, migraine, susceptibility to illness. Being physically below par naturally further reduces efficiency and so the downward spiral continues.

Despondency, depression and despair.

If the difficulties continue to go unrecognised, if there is continual failure in attempts to study and hold down jobs, then the dyslexic person may lose hope and sink into depression.

Relief, determination and hope.

It perhaps seems as if this paper has been full of doom and gloom. Yet all the emotions that have been described here are commonly reported by dyslexic adults. However, once dyslexic difficulties have been recognized, and strategies for dealing with them put in place, life can often take a turn for the better. All the energy that previously went into worrying about the problems, and covering them up, can now be channeled into developing effective ways of dealing with them, both practically and emotionally. What usually emerges most strongly is a sense of hope and a feeling of determination to turn one’s life around.

As James, who was recently diagnosed as dyslexic, said: “I felt as if the prison doors had been opened. I looked out and saw paths leading in all directions. I didn't know which of the paths was mine. All I did know was that I would have a path in future and that the years of confinement were over.”

Further reading:

- Dyslexia in the Workplace, by Diana Bartlett and Sylvia Moody, published by Whurr.
- Dyslexia at College, by Tim Miles and Dorothy Gilroy, published by Routledge.
- Dyslexia and Stress, edited by Tim Miles and Ved Varma, published by Whurr.

Perception and Movement

Dyslexia denotes difficulty with reading and writing, and it is often supposed that this difficulty must stem from poor phonology (ability to recognise, produce and sequence letter sounds). However, dyslexia may also be associated with perceptual and motor (movement) difficulties. Such difficulties are often grouped together under the term ‘dyspraxia’.

General difficulties.

· poor balance and posture

· clumsy gait and movement

· difficulty with bat and ball games

· tendency to fall, trip, bump into things and people

· poor handwriting and typing

· lack of manual dexterity (needed in tasks such as cooking)

· over-sensitivity to light and noise

· discriminating between left and right

· judging distance

· finding one’s way about

· doing numerical and spatial tasks

· planning and organising thought, and expressing thoughts

· organising daily life

· social interaction

Study difficulties.

· presentation of written work

· keeping place when reading

· keeping overall structure of essay in mind

Workplace difficulties.

· using machines such as photocopiers, faxes

· entering data on a computer / calculator

· copying down figures correctly and in the proper columns

· remembering where things have been put

· taking messages

· using a date stamp

· keeping papers in order

· carrying trays, eg, of coffee mugs

Managing the difficulties.

· use a ruler to keep place on page

· photocopy text onto coloured paper

· colour-mark layout of tables of numbers

· systematically scan each part of graphs, charts, tables of numbers

· keep operating instructions for fax machine, etc. by the machine

· use an ergonomic keyboard

· use keyboard shortcuts / slow down the mouse

· plan a daily, weekly and monthly work schedule

· carefully pre-plan before going to a new place

· use upside-down maps

· make a note of routes, eg, to photocopying room

· request a quiet workspace

· get a tray with high sides and a long central handle (from disability organisations)

use specially adapted utensils for cooking / tools for DIY


Dyspraxic difficulties can usually be identified in a psychological assessment (eg, using the WAIS test).

If physical clumsiness is a marked feature, it is advisable to seek an assessment also from a physiotherapist or occupational therapist who specialises in adult dyspraxia.

If perceptual difficulties are marked, then a referral to a perception therapist would be useful.

Further reading.

Living with Dyspraxia: A guide for adults with developmental dyspraxia, ed. Mary Colley; available from the Dyspraxia Foundation. (Some of the material in this paper has been taken from this book.)

Dyslexia in the Workplace, by Diana Bartlett and Sylvia Moody, published by Whurr.

Dyslexia at College, by Tim Miles and Dorothy Gilroy, published by Routledge.

Sequencing and Structuring

The logical sequencing and structuring of information, ideas and activities is a necessary part of human life. Though we may prefer to see the world holistically, yet still we cannot escape structure in our daily lives.

Language in particular is highly structured. It is not surprising, therefore, that dyslexic people have a number of difficulties with language, especially written language. However, they are often also inefficient in many other tasks which involve sequencing and structure. Some commonly-reported difficulties are listed below.

General difficulties.

· writing and copying words and numbers

· following instructions / carrying out instructions in the correct sequence

· working under pressure

· keeping workspace tidy

· organising daily life

Study difficulties.

· structuring essays

· taking succinct notes

· organising work and revision schedules

· presenting an argument logically in a seminar

· dealing with library catalogues / finding books

Workplace difficulties.

· filing documents / retrieving files

· following work protocols

· writing letters and memos

· structuring reports

· presenting ideas clearly in oral interactions / presentations

· carrying out tasks in an efficient, logical way

· dealing with a varied workload

· getting the times and places of meetings wrong

· missing appointments

· failing to prioritise / missing deadlines

· never having the right papers

Managing the difficulties.

· read words and sentences bit by bit

· skim text to get an overview before reading for detail

· use alphabet cards

· colour code columns and rows of figures

· colour code instructions / protocols

· colour code files and filing trays, eg, use red for urgent work

· clearly label files and filing trays

· keep workspace tidy

· plan daily, weekly and monthly action lists

· leave some time each day to deal with emergencies / unexpected tasks

· at the beginning of each day review the action plan for that day

· at the end of each day check what has / hasn’t been done

· pre-plan essays and reports

· pre-plan oral interactions / presentations

· pre-plan tasks, and split them into sections / stages

· work one step at a time

Further reading.

- Dyslexia in the Workplace, by Diana Bartlett and Sylvia Moody, published by Whurr.

- Dyslexia at College, by Tim Miles and Dorothy Gilroy, published by Routledge

Short -Term Memory

Short-term memory (STM) is a temporary store for information. The information in this store will later either be forgotten or, if important, transferred to our long-term memory store. For example, we use STM to remember a telephone number for a few seconds, or to keep the shape of an object in mind as we try to draw it. To use your STM, carefully read through the following numbers ONCE ONLY; then look away and see if you can recall them in the correct order: 5 9 2 8 3 7 4 6.

One important component of STM is working memory. In the example given above, STM was a passive recipient of information – its task was to remember the information only, not to do anything with it. The working memory component, however, is active: it takes the information held in the main STM store and uses it in some way. For example, we use working memory when we do mental arithmetic. To use your working memory, carefully read the following sentence through ONCE ONLY and then try to work out the sum in your head. Add 5 and 3 and 8 and 4 and then divide by 2.

Poor short-term memory, especially in the visual and auditory modalities, is often associated with dyslexia. Below are some of the difficulties it causes:
General difficulties.

· remembering telephone numbers

· copying down numbers correctly

· remembering messages, instructions and directions

· keeping track of ideas when speaking, listening or writing

· remembering people’s names

· remembering where things have been put

Study difficulties.

· taking notes in lectures

· formulating responses to questions in seminars

Workplace difficulties.

· taking notes in meetings

· following discussions

· following oral instructions

· taking telephone messages

Managing the difficulties.

· break numbers and words into chunks

· read sentences slowly and methodically

· try to identify the central theme of each paragraph you read

· request repeats or written back-up for instructions

· ask for instructions to be given in visual form, eg, flow charts

· use set formats for telephone messages

· use visual symbols or pictures as cues and reminders

· tape record instructions / lectures / meetings

· take regular rest breaks

· do relaxation exercises

Sylvia Moody
Dyslexia in the Workplace, by Diana Bartlett and Sylvia Moody, published by Whurr.

Coping skills

Emotional support and opportunities for achievement in activities that don't involve reading are important for children with dyslexia.

If your child has dyslexia:

* Be supportive. Having difficulty learning to read may affect your child's self-esteem. Be sure to provide love and to support his or her talents and strengths.
* Talk to your child. Explain to your child what dyslexia is and that it's not a failure on his or her part. The better your child understands this, the more likely he or she will cope with and compensate for this learning disability.
* Take steps at home to make it easier for your child to study. Provide a clean, quiet, organized place for your child to study, and designate a study time. Also, make sure your child gets enough rest, good nutrition and family support — through outings and activities — to provide a better environment in which he or she can learn.

Stay in close touch with your child's teachers so that they're fully aware of your child's situation and so that you and they can reinforce one another's actions. If available, tutoring sessions with a reading-disorders specialist can be very helpful for many children with dyslexia.

You may also want to consider joining a support group to stay in contact with parents who face similar learning disabilities in their children. Belonging to a support group can provide you with both good information and emotional support.

Vision Training: Improving Your Eyesight

Vision training reduces your dependence on strong compensating lenses and enhances your visual interaction with the world. Vision deficiencies are changeable–training helps make your eyes function more efficiently by using a combination of exercises, nutrition, light, color, awareness, and reducing the use and strength of visual aids. Vision fitness includes visual acuity, the ability of the eyes to work together, and the ability to visually interact with your environment without eye problems or emotional blinders


Dr. W. H. Bates, a New York ophthalmologist, is considered the pioneer of vision training. In the early 1900s, he developed the Bates Method for vision improvement which focuses on breathing, relaxation, memory, imagination and eye drills. In over thirty years of research, he showed that vision defects are usually the result of functional problems that can be overcome, and not permanent flaws in the shape of the eye. His work was not accepted by most ophthalmologists.

The Bates Method was used with great success by many practitioners and notably by writer Aldous Huxley who, within two months of using this method, was able to read without using Braille or a heavy magnifying glass. He was so impressed that he wrote a book called The Art of Seeing.

Dr. Robert-Michael Kaplan is an internationally known consultant in complementary vision care who has used a multifaceted approach to develop a comprehensive vision training system that incorporates exercise, diet, lifestyle and mental and emotional awareness. The self-help techniques of Bates and Kaplan are becoming more popular as people are realizing the benefits of natural health care.

How Can It Help Me?

Vision training improves dyslexia, far-sightedness, near-sightedness, eye strain, astigmatism, eye coordination, memory, photosensitivity and will enhance overall well-being. Emotional patterns such as beliefs, fears and angers, and perceptions picked up from your parents and teachers, distort vision

Causes of Eye Problems

Eye problems have many causes, including mental and physical tension, unsynchronized eyes, strain from looking sideways instead of directly at things, traumatic events that alter our visual perception, fluorescent lights and improper nutrition.

Although 20/20 prescriptions help you to see perfectly, they increase eye stress, reduce natural depth perception and produce strain and fatigue after extended use. Strong prescriptions do not give your eyes an opportunity to regenerate themselves naturally and result in a dependency on compensating lenses.

How Does It Work?

Conventional compensating lenses hold the eye in a fixed position and inhibit the eye muscles from naturally adjusting to accommodate near and far focusing. Avoiding corrective lenses or using a reduced (less than 20/20) prescription permits your eyes to function more naturally.

Kaplan’s concept of vision fitness lenses (20/40 instead of 20/20) allow your eyes to relax, producing a calming effect. The reduced lens prescription also means that your eyes are given a chance to increase their natural function, and you are able to notice any fluctuations in vision that are triggered by your activities, diet and environment.

Eye exercises and general exercise improve circulation, oxygenate the blood and enhance nerve function. Proper nutrition improves the health of the entire body, including your eyes.

Vision training reveals your inner perceptions, either current or from the past, as they manifest themselves in your eye condition. By understanding the "mind’s eye," you learn how emotions affect the way you see, and you can overcome these visual limitations.

Improving vision starts with specific exercises including the following: head movements to loosen the neck area and relax the mind; swinging your torso from side to side while looking between your two outstretched arms; placing your palms over your eyes for relaxation; near and far focusing; blinking; blinking into sunlight; scanning; stretching the eye muscles; crossing your eyes; breathing; acupressure (for more information, see earlier part of this section) and non-staring. Visual aids such as glasses and contacts should be removed for at least a few hours a day so that the eyes have an opportunity to function naturally and regenerate.

Eye patches are also used to stimulate perception and peripheral vision. Rate of improvement depends on the effort you put into the program and the severity of your vision deficiency. Be patient and relax–emotional strain will also affect your vision.

Vision Exercises

Here are a few simple vision training exercises you can use for your own self-help. Palm your eyes after these exercises to relax the eyes.

Strain from Close Work and Reading

* Changing Focus Distance: Frequently look away from your work to an object in the distance.

* Near and Far: Shift focus between a near object and a far object several times.

* Blinking: Blink every three seconds.

* Crossing Eyes: Cross your eyes by focusing on an object that you bring to touch the bridge of your nose.

* Scanning: Move your eyes quickly to different objects within your visual field.


* Palming: Rub palms together and place over your closed eyes, but not touching your eyes, to block all light and relax for a couple of minutes. When you are completely relaxed, you should see pure black.

* Neck Stretch: Stretch your head down to the chest. Repeat ten or more times.

* Side-to-Side Neck Stretch: Stretch the head sideways to look over one shoulder then look over the other shoulder. Repeat ten or more times.


* Up-and-Down Eye Stretches: Keep head still and without straining look up and then down. Repeat three times.

* Side-to-Side Eye Stretches: Keep head still and without straining look left and right. Repeat three times.

* Left-to-Right Diagonal Eye Stretches: Keep head still and without straining look up and to the left and then down and to the right. Repeat three times.

* Right-to-Left Diagonal Eye Stretches: Keep head still and without straining look up and to the right and then down and to the left. Repeat three times.

* Crossing Eyes: Cross your eyes, by focusing on an object that you bring to touch the bridge of your nose.

What Can I Do?

When your eyes are tired, give them a break and stimulate them with some vision exercises. Take time to relax by breathing and stretching. Avoid looking sideways to prevent straining the eyes. Instead, move your head to look directly at what you want to see. When reading, use a 100-watt light source behind you and keep your work directly in front of you. A healthy lifestyle including exercise, proper nutrition, natural light and relaxation is also important

Where Do I Go Next?

Check at your holistic health book store or natural food store to find a vision fitness practitioner, or contact the International Society for Eyesight Education.